The Witch in the Basement
Deidre Bjornson
When I taught at French Creek Community School we had an amazing collaborative group of teachers. We loved working together to create concerts and activities for the children to participate in across all grade levels. One Hallowe’en we created a FCCS Scavenger Hunt. Every class moved through stations. At each station, the children participated in a ‘scary’ game or a ‘fun filled’ Halloween activity. As time drew near to move to the next station, students worked together to solve a riddle directing them where to go next! That year, I was the ‘Witch in the Basement’ with a witchy story to read to each tentative group of youngsters that arrived in my den! I was dressed in a witch’s hat, no scary makeup and my regular day clothes. We had such fun! I remember many children meeting me in the hallway after that event and nervously asking, “You were the witch in the basement weren’t you?”